What we can offer you
at the Papier Agency

We're ready to give our all to you and your family.

Our products and services are specifically tailored to your needs and those of your family by carefully selected professionals with expertise in the industry. That means, we put your interests first. We are dedicated to what you, as an individual, need and want. Every time.

We're ready to give our all to you and your family.

Retirement Income Planning.

Are you sure you won’t outlive your income in retirement? 

Turning 50 is a major milestone. Halfway to the century mark, you’re more than halfway to retirement. It’s time to take stock of where you are in relation to your retirement goals. If you haven't been serious about planning for retirement up until now, that needs to change. An in-depth review of your current retirement savings is important to determine whether you're saving enough. If you're not, the good news is that you have time to make changes that can get you there. And we can help.

This is also the time to think about the issues you will face once you’re no longer working. There is a big difference between saving and spending. It is much more difficult to recover from financial mistakes as you become older and do not have time for investments to grow or recover from a downturn. Sadly, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 1 out of 3 employees are not confident they will have enough for a comfortable retirement .* How about you?

This preretirement stage is an exciting time. But it can also seem complicated. We have not really scratched the surface on this page—with Social Security, Medicare, defined benefit pensions, 401(k)s, Indexed Life Insurance, Indexed Annuities and much, much more to consider. We can help you navigate this world; we live in this world every day. It's our specialty.

You may be at the peak of your career and totally enjoy the work you do; or you may be thinking about wrapping it up and transitioning to retirement. In either case, now is your chance to make sure you have everything in place. Our sole concern is for you to enjoy your retirement, because you deserve to after working so hard, for so long.

* 2019 Retirement Confidence Survey Summary Report, April 23, 2019-


Long-Term Care Insurance

Do you have options for taking care of expenses as you grow older?

We can help you navigate your questions when it comes to selecting the right long-term care coverage for you and your needs. Or are you having to figure out how to pay for the unexpected extra expense or care for yourself or a loved one? Even if it is “too late” for traditional long-term care, we can help you to understand what your options are should your resources become depleted.


College and Education Planning

Providing for a child’s future through careful planning.

College is one goal people start saving for early, when they have young children in their homes. Or you may want to save money so you or your spouse can return to school. Whatever your goals, people often use a variety of tools, including 529 plans, to accomplish their education-related ambitions. And did you also know you might be able to use a 529 savings plan to save on taxes when paying tuition at a private K through 12 school for children in your home? Checking with a financial professional is the best way to make sure you reach education-related goals - for you and your family.

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